
0 Boiling our economic problems down to the bone

  • Economy
  • by Adrian Mark Dore
  • 21-03-2024
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Most people know that our economy isn’t working properly and that it serves the needs of a few at the expense of the many. That’s a major problem because, in a democracy, the economy is supposed to serve the majority's needs, not the needs of a few.  This is ECONOMIC APARTHEID, and it’s as bad if not worse than political apartheid, which every government in the world has condemned. Yet they condone Economic Apartheid – really, how stupid!

In this article, I boil down all the economic myths and lies to reveal the bare-bone truth about our economy. And as the old witch doctors of the past told us, “The bones show us the truth.”

So here are the six bones of truth we are left with after all the myths and lies have been boiled away.

  1. We need to serve our four primary capitals equally.

We currently serve only one of the four – Financial Capital - at the expense of the other three – Human, Environmental and Common Capital. This is why we have a highly dysfunctional economy. 

  1. Free market policies are responsible for our dysfunctional economy as they serve Financial Capital exclusively at the expense of the other three primary capitals. 
  1. Free market policies encourage and support the circumvention of laws and regulations. Free market policies call for small governments, thus limiting the government's ability to impose adequate regulations and oversee them properly. This provides the ideal circumstances to circumvent laws and regulations (through the use of top lawyers and accountants.) This practice is so rife it's frightening. Examples of these “legal circumventions” – cheating by another name - are everywhere. They are morally bereft, but what can one expect from a system only concerned with Financial Capital interest? 

As an example, take UK sanctions against Russia for their war against Ukraine. The government stopped businesses from exporting goods that could be used in war, but that didn’t stop leading British corporations from circumventing the rules. Exports directly to Russia stopped, but they found other routes to maintain their supply to Russia.  The truth is that business is driven by one objective only – serving Financial Capital needs, period. Therefore, any economic system that allows business too much leeway must expect high levels of exploitation by morally bereft businesses. 

  1. Free market policies have led to the growth of the Rentier economy and Globalisation.

The development of both these phenomena is detrimental to the majority. 

  1. Free market deregulations have led to a dysfunctional financial and investment sector.

Both developments are detrimental to the majority. 

  1. Free markets do not support or encourage measuring and managing our three other primary capitals.

We are left with a warped and false reflection of the true state of our economy. A financial perspective gives us less than a 15% reflection of the state of our economy. Just like the Book Value of a business poorly represents the Market Value of a business – because financial matters only form a small part of the bigger picture.

We are in a mess because free market policies have distorted reality. We live in some “noddy world” so far from the truth (or reality) that it’s a joke, except it's too sickening and sad to be called a joke.

Conclusion – what the bones tell us.
We need to replace our disastrous economic policies with a more balanced approach that gives greater consideration to the other three primary capitals, such as a social market policy.

The clue is in the name. A social market policy cares for society (which embraces Human, Environmental and Common Capital) and the markets (Financial Capital.) A balanced approach.

When will we end the madness of free market economic policies? Haven’t we learned our lesson by now? Let's hope the reading of the bones – convinces everybody to call for change.

You may read other articles by Adrian Dore on Medium at